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Stella's Vows

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

THE JOURNEY-Submissive

Choker/Day Collar represents submission, devotion and adventure.

Play Collar represents relinquishing ALL control, FULL BDSM day/night

NEVER disrespect one another

NEVER humiliate one another

NEVER demean one another

NEVER put in compromising positions

ALWAYS show respect to each other

ALWAYS show love to each other

ALWAYS be thoughtful of each other

ALWAYS have the best interest for each other

ALWAYS keep our word

We will Recognize our errors, confess our failures and apologize for our wrong doing immediately, without hesitation.

If, for any reason we become upset, ALL verbal backlash must be postponed until sober and/or when there is adequate time to resolve the issue.


Started when the King, collared his love and they shared there vows.

His love must wear her "Day Collar" at all times. It may be removed for showering, sleeping, or any activity that would cause irritation. Once that activity is complete, his love must immediately reapply the collar herself or with assistance.

The day collar may be substituted for a different collar or choker, at Kings discretion.

Only the King may remove the collar or choker from his love.


1. I am to please you in everyway in all settings. Your daily desires come before mine and I will do my best to fulfill them without asking. (Examples: if I think you would like a drink, then ask you if I would like a drink and prepare it for you. If there is food, prepare your plate. If there is something that needs done that I can do, do it).

2. I must call you Mr. Pendley or My King in formal situations and Babe or Daddy at all other times.

3. I will respond to every task with "Yes Pendley/My King" or "ok Babe/Daddy" and "Task is completed Mr Pendley/My King" or "I'm all finished Babe/Daddy"

4. I must dress cute for you daily. Sundays are casual unless otherwise stated.

5. I will wear sexy undergarments on non tasked days

6. I will do as you say everytime without hesitation.

7. I will not masterbate without your permission.

8. I will not display my naked body in front of you without sexual intent unless its bedtime. If you are naked, permission is implied.

9. I will answer directly and specifically when asked a question.

10. I will always speak in a calm and respectful manner.

11. I will lather you with gifts. (1 per month minimum).

12. I will not ask you, more than once, any of the following:

• "Where are you going"

• "What are doing"

• "Who are you going with"

• "When will you be home"

13. I will never speak of myself in a negative nature.

14. I will always communicate during sex. Ex: right there, harder, softer, you feel so good, it feels so big, oh yes, oh God, I love you ect.....

15. I will be prepared and ready to give myself to you at all times. My pussy will be of a sexy or fresh scent for oral to be desired.

16. I will maintain undesired hair by keeping it shaved and trimmed at all times.

17. I will be a BRAT and/or take advantage of you, sexually dominating you by fulfilling my desires/fantasies once per month.

18. Absolutely no work talk after 6pm or anytime during the weekend.

19. By the last day of each month, I will tell you where I would like to go the following month. ( club, store, location, event ect...)

20. Must maintain a work-out schedule to be physically in shape and healthy.

21. I must send you a sexy pic once a month

22. I will never touch a door in your presence.

23. I will keep our "Love Den" neat, organized and clean at all times.

24.. When apart from my partner, 1 drink every 1 1/2 hours. With permission You may have 1 every hour and no more than 1 shot when there is designated driver.

25. I will never be alone with a man where alcohol is evolved in excess.

If rule 24 and 25 ever get broken, I will not be allowed to touch you, kiss you or see any part of your body for a week and have to accept the verbal backslash with no excuses and no arguments.

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