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King's Vows

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

The Journey-Dom

Choker/Day Collar represents submission, devotion and adventure.

Play Collar represents relinquishing ALL control, FULL BDSM day/night

NEVER disrespect one another

NEVER humiliate one another

NEVER demean one another

NEVER put in compromising positions

ALWAYS show respect to each other

ALWAYS show love to each other

ALWAYS be thoughtful of each other

ALWAYS have the best interest for each other

ALWAYS keep our word

We will Recognize our errors, confess our failures and apologize for our wrong doing immediately, without hesitation.

If, for any reason we become upset, ALL verbal backlash must be postponed until sober and/or when there is adequate time to resolve the issue.


Started when the King, collared his love and they shared there vows.

His love must wear her "Day Collar" at all times. It may be removed for showering, sleeping, or any activity that would cause irritation. Once that activity is complete, his love must immediately reapply the collar herself or with assistance.

The day collar may be substituted for a different collar or choker, at Kings discretion.

Only the King may remove the collar or choker from his love.

Dominate Vows:

1.Punishments must be done in love.

2. No anal sex without your consent

3.Rewards you for being a good submissive (reassurance).

4. I will keep it low key in front of family and friends

5. I will do my absolute best to not leave marks on you.

6. I will do my best to help you with the daily chores.

7. I will respect the safe word "Moosey"

8. I will maintain a work-out schedule to be in good physical shape and stay healthy.

9. I will look and act like I deserve you.

10. Must come together and grow as a couple by discussing our books or subjects.

11. I will not masterbate without your permission.

12. Every Wednesday I will get dressed up and look my best.

13. I will be over the top romantic once per month.

14. 4 times a year have a full submission sexual encounter

15. I will present to you, your task, at least once per week.

16. Once a month take you on a surprise adventure like camping, hiking, dress up date etc

17. Once a month I must send you a sexy pic

18. I will keep all undesired hair trimmed and shaved.

19. When apart from my partner, 1 drink every 1 1/2 hours. With permission You may have 1 every hour and no more than 1 shot when there is designated driver.

20. I will never be alone with a girl where alcohol is involved in excess.

If rule 19 or 20 ever get broken, I will not be allowed to touch you, kiss you or see any part of your body for a week and have to accept the verbal backslash with no excuses and no arguments.

BONUS: I will award you bonus points for performing actions over and beyond your required duties. You may collect the points and cash then in for various permissions and items.

Bonus points will very between 100-500 depending on action committed.

If I break a vow, as punishment, I will award you 1,000 bonus points per infraction.

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