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Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Hello My King,

Per my task I am to write you my reflection on our journey. I believe that in this journey we are pushing each other to be our best. I hope that as we progress we discover more about who we are as individuals and how we can best serve each other. From the day we said our vows I have felt a new spark between us. We just seem happier, more content and ready to face new adventures together. I believe the new journey has been liberating for me. I can release control and know you have me, which reduces my anxiety and stress load. Instead of me trying to figure out what you want you are guiding and teaching me. I am more relaxed and confident. As an example I used to worry that I didn't know how to give you oral which is why I didn't do it. But with your guidance I feel that I please you which makes me happy.

I believe the biggest area I can improve upon is being less your wife and be more owned. I am 100% on board with this journey, even talking about it makes me happy. I know I can do better. I want to be your submissive and i want to feel owned. I just really need you to push me to become really owned. I believe as we continue we will find what truly works for us and makes us both happy.

On the positive, I truly feel like this idea of mine has been really good for us. I really feel sexier, even deeper love, security, calmness and I feel I can be more open about my fantasies. As crazy as it sounds i long for your touch, i get really happy about my good girl texts and I really can't wait for me to feel and be completely owned ❤

The most positive thing I can say about myself is that I just feel comfortable in who I am. I feel like that is a huge accomplishment for me. I just really don't care what the rest of the world thinks. Especially about our relationship, it is our life and we choose how we live it. I get a thrilled when people notice my day collar or bracelet. And I am sure I grin when I can tell they know what it means. I am proud of who I am, my body and the finally free to be my true self.

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