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Love letter

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

My dearest hubby, 

Every day we have spent together is my personal gift from God.  You are more than I ever dreamed a husband could be.   I wake up and go to sleep each night thankful for another day with you.  

Over the past 20+ years we have seen so many ups and downs.   But no matter what we really did have our love to carry us through.  We made a vow to never go to bed angry and have stuck to it even when I was being stubborn.  We also promised to never let something small blow up like our parents did.  Every day we live by our vows and promise to love each other through the good and bad.  

Somedays I may not always show it but my soul lights up when you walk into a room.   I feel complete and it is probably why I cry every time you are away.   There have been so many times you went on a business trip and I cried like you were leaving for war.   I just want and need to be with you.   When we are apart I feel like a part of me is missing.  

But when you return I feel whole again.  We may be two worlds that collided,  but I almost feel like we are two unique creatures that need the other to grow and flourish.

You have pushed me to believe in myself,  love myself and feel that I deserve everything this crazy world has to offer.   Before I met you I didn't believe in any of those things.   I am grateful for your love and support as I grow to be a better person, spouse,  mother, friend and leader.  

I look around our home at least once a day in awe of what we have accomplished.  20 years ago I would never have imagined we are where we are now.   I truly believe that we are where we are because of our love and devotion to each other.

To me the compass on my choker symbolizes our whole marriage.   So every time i look at it i think of our lives together.   We have had so many amazing adventures that have brought the most beautiful memories.  You promised to show me the world and you have for sure shown me a lot.  I can't wait to go on more adventures with you and see new places with you for the first time.  

I look to the future and see us old and gray living our best life,  sitting in our rocking chairs on our big front porch.  Because after all this all started on a front porch.   Which probably why we have always spent so much time sitting in one.   Fun side note that is why I wanted one poured for our beautiful home.

I love you babe,  I love every minute with you.   I love our adventures, our date nights, our little getaways, random drives to anywhere.   But most of all I just love being with you,  I love looking into your amazing eyes and knowing I have nothing to hide because you can read me like a book.

Love your forever baby,


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